Email: staff@rjslawlibrary.org
Downtown: (772) 462-2370
South: (772) 871-6806
Supporting equal access to law in Florida
Board of Trustees: Hon. Michael Linn, Chair – Comm. Cathy Townsend – Wendy Diaz – James Wilder – James T. Walker - Lainey W. Francisco
Temporary Operating Procedures
Please note the following temporary operating procedures under our phased reopening.
Main Library -
Monday through Thursday 9:00 - 5:00
Friday 9:00 - 4:30
South County Branch -
Tuesday-Saturday 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Only people doing legal research will be admitted to the library.
Only nine patrons can be in the library at a time.
Please request an appointment in advance to avoid being disappointed. We don’t want to turn anyone away at the door. Please call us at 772-462-2370.
Your time may be limited to one hour if other people are waiting. You are welcome to schedule another time.
We will follow screening procedures used by the courthouse. Patrons must answer a questionnaire before entering the library.
The conference rooms may be reserved again for meetings at this time.
Upon entrance you must wear a face covering, sanitize your hands and maintain six-foot distancing from staff and other patrons. This is standard procedure throughout the courthouse now.
Attorneys can resume their normal after-hours privileges but still must sanitize their hands and wear a face covering. Please remember that you are not allowed to bring other people into the library.